Say goodbye to grainy photographs PortraitPro 21 now allows you to eliminate luminance and color noise, and sharpen for a clear, crisp image. Remove and reduce noise without sacrificing image detail and quality. PortraitPro includes a new selection of photographs, backgrounds, and graphics for your next project. Make use of our range of amazing stock images for free. Customize undertones, adjust the strength, and increase vibrance for professional coloring results. Discover different aspects of hair retouching and easily add highlights or ombre-style treatments with new smart hair tools. PortraitPro 21 allows you to copy exact details and color from one area of your image to another. Use the new Clone Tool for precise control when removing items or imperfections. PortraitPro 21 will now automatically mask and blend your photographs, tweaking the tones of the foreground to match the new sky, leaving you with impressive yet realistic results. Using LandscapePro technology, you can now replace skies in your portraits effortlessly. From glowing light streams to realistic relighting elements, these brushes are great if you want to enhance the existing light or add special effects to your photos. This smart new feature recognises the background and foreground of your image and allows you to modify shadows and brightness using different light sources. Bring your pictures to life with all-new Lighting Brushes.